Participant in
SoundLAB VI – sonic art project environments
soundPOOL – a challenge for imagination

Born on September 14, 1981 in New York.

Since 2006, I have been following classes of Electroacoustic music composition at the Academy of Music of Toulouse, France, under the teachings of Mr. Bertrand DUBEDOUT. I also teach techniques of mixing and sound recording in digital audio within the association “Format-Son”.

In parallel, I also have a Bacheloris in Philosophy, attending classes between 2003 and 2006 at the faculty of the Sorbonne (Paris) and the faculty of Mirail (Toulouse); allowing me to nourish my paths of reflexion through concepts of time and space, in particular through the reading and thorough analysis of texts by Gilles Deleuze, Henri Bergson, and writings of Henri Michaux and Antonin Artaud.

While waiting to conclude my Masters, with my thesis titled “Considerations on the sound phenomenon through concrete music” (scheduled for 2009), I wish to focus my musical path in order to answer my musical desires. They currently concentrate on the composition of acousmatic parts, with their acousmonium diffusion, and installation of instrumental processing in real time via the Max/MSP interface.

In this optic, I received a grant to participate in the Sound Art Workshops at Orford Center for the Arts, Montreal. My compositions have been performed several times in France (Acousmonium Motus, Société Internationale de la Musique Contemporaine à Paris, Cité de la Musique de Marseille).