Rocío Pérez Belarra (Argentina)

Rocío Pérez Belarra

Rocío Pérez (born in Maipú, Argentina in 1986) and Tomás Utillano (born in Viña del Mar, Chile 1984) are video artists and experimental videomakers, they both live in Buenos Aires and form the art duo “Acheiropoieta”. Rocío also practices art installations, urban interventions and plays experimental harp. Her educational background is in poetry, singing, music, multimedia and electronic arts. Tomás is a photographer and cameraman with a degree in audiovisual communication (Chile). He also studied playwriting and screenwriting. Rocío and Tomás have participated in art exhibitions and festivals such as BAFICI, Festifreak in Argentina and in other festivals held in Greece, Spain, Germany, Ecuador, Colombia and Peru, presenting video art, experimental videos and installations.