Rachel Dobbs (USA)

Rachel Dobbs

Much of my work concentrates on ‘public’ spaces, the ways in which they are used and the social relationships that are formed by, and exist in, them. I am particularly interested in spaces where the boundaries between public and private are confused; in-between spaces, where rules and conventions are malleable and there is scope for intervention.
I work across media but most recent work has been produced using photography, video, performance and text. The work often takes the form of an intervention outside the traditional gallery space.
Through my practice I also explore and play with notions of the real and the virtual, documentation and the actual, the lived and the remembered. I have become interested in triggers for storytelling and setting up situations where remembered fragments, imagined memories and repeated fictions can slip back and forth between lived experience and virtual space.

Rachel Dobbs participates in

  • Cinematheque
  • Cinema_B – Slowtime? – Quicktime as an artistic medium
    curated by Agricola de Cologne