Julian Alvarez (Spain)

Julian Alvarez

Film Direction and Production (London Film Academy, 1974). Escola d’Estudis Artistics de Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona 1975-77), and VIDEO-TV: Escuela Superior de Arte Dramatico-CIPLA (Barcelona 1978-80).
Independent author-producer since 1979 of 40 video/cinema productions, 1 CD-rom and 2 Net-Art productions. Participant in the majority of national and international video festivals. He has received more than twenty awards. He is an outstanding representative of the first generation of Spanish creative artists in video. A great part of his work has been shown on TV and is available in the nation’s most important video libraries.

Julian Alvarez participates in

  • JavaMuseum
  • Perspectives 2003 – netart competition & showcase
    I-Corrida – netart from Spain

  • Violence Online Festival
  • curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne