Edmar Soria

Edmar Soria
Mexico (1983)
Creative producer in areas such as digital art, electroacoustic multichannel music, multimedia performance and music for contemporary dance. His works (most of them related to multichannel electroacoustic music) have been performed at several festivals and forums in Europe, Asia, USA and Latin America. He has received some international and national distinctions like GRM Contest 2016 (Groupe de Recherche Musicale, Paris), Difrazzioni Festival 2017 Comission and special guest (Florence, Italy) and Creadores Escenicos Grant (Mexico). As an a academic researcher he got a PhD and Master Degree in Music Technology and undergraduate degree in Mathematics and has been published at some international journals. His academic interests encompass 3D procedural modelling, data visualization/sonification, 3D audio, and Mathematical and Artificial Intelligence topics applied to art.

Participant in
The Sonic Memorial – SoundCollective
The Wake Up! Memorial – Corona! – Shut Down?
The Wake Up! Memorial – Corona! – Shut Down?
title of video: Robotic Synapse, 2020, 2:09
This is a post-cyberpunk storytelling. The tale about the precise moment where the first successful self-thinking cyborg was created. This is a story about humankind being dreamed off.
The actual pandemic situation confront us to ourselves as fragile individuals dependant from a technological society which has been also shaked, morphed and irrecoverable disembled to a new unknown structural organization. From now, we were forced to abandon the kind of humans that we tought and used to be. Transhumanisn stands now as an e-commerce deal project for our new upcoming network-society.