Cassia Kallenah (Brazil)

Cassia Kallenah

Cássia Kallenah (1975) is a brazilian artist graduated in Visual Arts at the Univerisity of Campinas. Since 1998, uses video and photography as a medium of artistic expression. Participated of the group NeoTao of performance and colage. In 2000, was granted by the research centre of Unicamp to make the video “Nàkissos”, a self-portrait that intepretates the book ” L’eau et les rêves” of Gaston Bachelard. Nowadays is working as a video designer in São Paulo.

Cassia Kallenah participates in

  • VideoChannel
  • Videos from Brazil
    Title of work: Nàrkissos, video, 2000, 5:00
    curated by Brocolis VHS