AL РAur̩lien Louis (France)

AL РAur̩lien Louis

Aurélien Louis was born on May 3rd, 1975. He graduated from Ecole Supérieure des beaux-arts de Marseille.
His works are linked to new technologies and take on diverse forms : from web sound objects, to poetry CD-Roms, and physical visual installations.
Along his involvement with the artists’ studio P.K.182 (, his personal work is shown on a website (
Recent exhibitions :
UN PEU PLUS A L’OUEST, ASTERIDES, Galerie de la friche belle de mai,
JUSTE COMME IL FAUT (Format A4), TOHU BOHU, Marseilles
CO(Q)UILLES, L’éloge de la couleur, Le passage de l’art, Marseilles.
ERREUR DE GRAVURE, Cédérom, Atelier LE B.E.L, Marseilles.
HIC & NUNC, contribution to Les pièces//The pieces Search Art by Valéry
ENTOPTIQUE pour Ecritures de concert (TRIO, Erik Truffaz, Malcolm Braff,
Joël Bastard).
Vevey (Suisse), Besançon, St Claude.

AL РAur̩lien Louis participates in

  • [R][R][F]200x—>XP – global networking project
  • RRF v.1.0 selection curated by Vincent Makowski