Shira z. Carmel (Israel)

Shira z. Carmel

Is a creator. Was born 20 years ago in Israel. Lived in Jeruslam Tel Aviv and London, currently living and studying visual media design at the University of applied arts in Vienna. Did: Theatre for 4 years, (directing,producing, lights costume and set design, music composition and acting) graduated from the theatre department of Ironi Alef :: Dance for 7 years (ballet and jazz) :: Web design course(“John Bryce”):: Participated in the creation of theme Parties (space and event design):: Political activity since 15 (differnet youth groups;”seeds of peace”;volunteering at “windows” (web, magazine and office work) and “Markaz ilBakaa” (making art lessons and playing hours for Arabic children and youth)::Is currently making: music, photography, “computer:art”, cloths, and other things.

Shira z. Carmel participates in

  • Violence Online Festival
  • curated by Agricola de Cologne