Mario Soro (Chile)

Mario Soro

Mario Soro, visual artist and multi skilled soundmaker, who is constantly relating the artistic work as it is (creation, presentation) with specific communicational situations (teaching, talks, seminars, performance) on the same level.
In the piece “Imagenes cinéticas de los tipos somáticos constitucionales:
Una intervención fonoperformática en una clase de taller de figura humana”/ ”kinetic images of constitutional schematics: an performaticphone intervention on a human figure workshop class” Soro projects futurist and Dada visual poetry fragments over a model body, that faced the students of analytic drawing. Out loud he recites visible fragments (as they change with the movement of the model), using a long card board cone as amplifier, moving between the students, manipulating at the same time the tuner of a radio and other implements placed in the room. The decontructivist cross of fragmentized images, special sounds taken of many sources, and performing action expect to build a universe with parallel or unequal meanings, that can be read as see-through layers. The typical drawing teaching experiance can be a little disturbed or to question, provoking “different levels of tension inside the educational facility that is facing a conflict”.

Mario Soro participates in

  • SoundLAB – Edition IV – Memoryscapes
  • Rainer Krause (Santiago de Chile)