Pedro Almeida (Portugal)

Pedro Almeida

curator for “Videoart from Portugal”
on VideoChannel 2010

*Co-responsible for Videolab Project (
*Jury in some Film Festivals: – Até Breves – Coimbra, Portugal (2007 and 2010); – International meeting of cinema, TV, video and multimedia – Avanca, Portugal (2003).
*Courses/Workshops/Seminars/: Seminar “From Project creation to film distribution” – Indie Lisboa International Film Festival (2008); “Programming and Producing Film Festivals” – Restart School, Lisbon, Portugal (2005): “Archive – Videoart” – Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal (2007); Course on Animated Films – Cine Club Viseu, Portugal (2005); Pixilation Workshop “Moving Body” Cine Club Viseu, during Coimbra, European Capital of Culture; “Premiere – Nonlinear Editing” (2004); Course on the Cinematographic Language, Cine Club Porto, Portugal (1999/2000); “Using Video as a Pedagogical Tool” (1997); *”Cinema and School” (1998); *”Video Clubs and Cinema in Schools” (2000); *”The use of Audiovisual materials in Schools”; *Workshop “Cinema in the Classroom” (2005).
*Speaker at the Conference “Resources to use in the Classroom: Projects and some Reflections”, Oliveira do Bairro, Portugal, having presented such projects as “Cinema nas Escolas” (Cinema in Schools), “Animatrope” and “Clubes de Cinema nas Escolas” (Cinema Clubs in Schools), (2005).
*Curator of Cinema and Video Festival Events in Mealhada, Portugal (2004).