Luiza Rizea (Romania)

Luiza Rizea

I was born in June 10-th 1971 in Ploiesti city, Romania;

I graduated in 1995 the University Transilvania from Brasov, “The Technology of Machines Construction” specialization;

I have worked in different fields: as radio reporter during the years I was student, as English teacher immediately after graduation, then as mechanical engineer in a car factory; now my job is GIS analyst, but I am training myself to become Web designer;< I practice the digital graphic as a hobby; I also like to write short fiction stories, few of them being published in a Literature Romanian site; my main hobby is the art, in its rich ways of representation: photography, pictures, sculpture, design, fashion, etc. Luiza Rizea participates in

  • Le Musee divisioniste – the global art museum
  • Mirror at the Bottom – artists portraying themselves
    curated by Agricola de Cologne