Curt Cloninger (USA)

netart by Curt Cloninger

Curt Cloninger | |

Participant in
SoundLAB VI – sonic art project environments
soundPOOL – a challenge for imagination

SIP – SoundLAB Interview
JIP – JavaMuseum Interview Project
Celebrate! – netart features 2010 – 10 Years JavaMuseum

Curt Cloninger is an artist, writer, and designer living in western North Carolina, US. His art undermines language as a system of meaning in order to reveal it as an embodied force in the world. His materials are spoken words, sounds, hand-written words, lines, objects coupled with words, objects as words, light, and time. He orchestrate these materials using video, software, performances, and installations. By layering, restructuring, hashing, eroding, exhausting, and (dis)splaying language, Cloninger causes language to perform itself until its “meaning” has less to do with what it denotes and more to do with how it behaves.

Cloninger is an Assistant Professor of Multimedia Arts & Sciences at the University of North Carolina Asheville. His work has been featured in the New York Times, ABC World News, and at festivals and galleries from Korea to Brazil. Exhibition venues include Digital Art Museum [DAM] Berlin, L’Instituto de México à Paris, and The Art Gallery of Knoxville. Cloninger also maintains,, and in order to facilitate a more lively remote dialogue with the Sundry Essences of Wonder.