Jack Messenger & Chirstinn Whyte (UK)

Chirstinn Whyte
has worked throughout Britain as a performer, choreographer and teacher for over twenty years, and is currently a full-time PhD student at Middlesex University, London, conducting practice-led research into choreography for screen.

Jake Messenger
is a photographer and digital artist, and is a graduate of Glasgow University and of the M.A. programme in New Media Production at Liverpool John Moore’s University.

Shiftwork was founded in Cambridge in 1999 and is an artist-led organisation, creating work which crosses the boundaries between visual art, digital technology and dance. Further examples of work can be seen at http://www.shiftwork.org.uk/

Jack Messenger & Chirstinn Whyte is participating in

  • media art show ://selfportrait – a show for Bethlehem – show for Peace
  • Title: “Textfield, video, 2004

  • VideoChannel
  • Selfportraits
    Title: Textfield, video, 2004