Gertrud Rietmüller (Germany)

Gertrud Riethmüller

Born in 1961 in Niedermendig/Eifel, Germany

Studies of Modern Arts at the HBK Saar (University of Modern Arts of the Saarland)Main study subject: new modern media under Prof. U. Rosenbach

Diploma Degree in New Artistic Media at HBK Saar / Master student of Prof. U. Rosenbach
Art and Culture Award of the city of Neunkirchen (Second Price)
Founding member of the modern art artist gallery O.T.
Working as freelance artist

As a researcher, she has directed projects about, Color Photography, Alternate ways of image production, Image- Technology relationship and Image theory.

Gertrud Rietmülleris participating in

  • media art show ://selfportrait – a show for Bethlehem – show for Peace
  • Title:
    “Expanded”. 2004 / digital photo