Nicole Stenger (USA)

Nicole Stenger

Nicole Stenger France/US
Lives in Paris.
Former Research Fellow MIT (CAVS/Visual Arts Program)
Prix Villa Medici

A tech poet and 3D pioneer who created the first Virtual Reality movie “ANGELS” back in 1989-1992, Nicole is also known for her contributions to early web cinema, and for authoring the widely quoted “Mind is a Leaking Rainbow” in “Cyberspace First Steps”.

Her last VR/VRML movie “DYNASTY” (2007-2009) completes a trilogy about love, both heavenly and down to earth, started with “ANGELS”.
Still setting up new tech Art forms, along with original content, Nicole Stenger is currently working on animating her poetry books.
Nicole Stenger participates in

  • JavaMuseum
  • 1st of Java – Perspectives on New Media
    Fundamental Patterns – Peripheral Basics (2002)

  • A Virtual Memorial
  • Memorial for the Victims of Terror
    curated by Agricola de Cologne

    The participating works can can currently not be visited online unfortunately.