Gregory Lasserre, & Anais met den Ancxt (France)

Gregory Lasserre, & Anais met den Ancxt

Interview for SIP – SoundLAB Interview Project

Gregory Lasserre
Gregory Lasserre has both artistic and technical skills. He designs and creates multimedia works: interactive devices, video images, CD-Roms, movies and websites. As a visual artist, a graphic designer and a video director, he also carries out numerous projects with theatre companies and musicians.

Anais met den Ancxt
Mixing various media (photography, video, drawing, painting, sculpture), she uses an anthropological ato propose a scenographic, musical and choreographic reflexion of the city, and more particularly of public space.Anaïs met den Ancxt, has a degree from the Art’ school of Lyon and a Licence of anthropology.

Gregory Lasserre, & Anais met den Ancxt participates in

  • SoundLAB
  • – Memoryscapes