Alexander Mouton (USA)

Alexander Mouton
Alexander Mouton

participant in
Flash & Thunder
Flash as a tool for artistic creations

As an artist, I explore the potential that new technology has for bringing visual and sound arts together for interactive and immersive works both online and in physical spaces. Much of my work explores the territory between linear and non-linear narrative, often alluding to the unknown, whether investigating individual psychology, relations between people, or social issues. My goal is to create interactive systems that engage a viewer in an experience integrating emotion and intellect, where the use of images & sounds can lead off into surprising worlds and loop back over each other through the possibilities that the interactivity & programming provide. I work predominantly with Flash, coding my own using ActionScript and JavaScript for pieces equally suitable for an intimate web experience or a large gallery projection.

Alexander Mouton participates in

NewMediaFest2007 – DIGITAL MEDIA Valencia 2008
JavaMuseum – Forum for Internet Technology in Contemporary Art
net.NET – netart features I-V

curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

JavaMuseum – Forum for Internet Technology in Contemporary Art

  • JIP – JavaMuseum Interview Project