Roland Quelven (France)

Roland Quelven
Born in Quimper, France in 1967.

Born in 1967. Lives in Brittany. Graduated in mathematics, painter, video artist and sound collagist. He collaborates with various artists, is involved in several collaborative projects, and his works are screened in many international videoart festivals. Videoart Fest Miden, Cologne OFF festival, MADATAC III festival, FIVA Festival Internacional de Videoarte, MashRome Film festival, Athens Video Art Festival, International Video Art House Madrid… In 2009 he created the multimedia project «Napolecitta or the fractals virtues of Detail»: digital and sound collages, flash animations in a website devoted to a description of an ancient imaginary city named Napolecitta (fusing Napoli and Cinecitta). Since 2010 the ancient city has become an encyclopedic and imaginary world also named Napolecitta. Most of the videoworks are numbered, gathered as a register, an imaginary official record, a combination of numbers, maps, writings, paintings, masterpieces of Art history, video footage, video materials recorded digitally assembled as non narrative palimpsests. All this seen through the prism of the Detail. The reality concentrates as the fragment stands out… seeing through the prism of the Detail, whether iconic or pictorial, produces always the same effect: an « invitation to travel inside ».


2012 / The video entitled ΙΚΑΡΟΣ The Fall has obtained a Mention in the second edition of FIVA – Festival Internacional de VideoArte in Buenos Aires . Argentina.
2013 / The video entitled La Chambre de William Seward B. won the first prize in the third edition of FIVA – Festival international de VideoArte in Buenos Aires – Argentina .
2016 / The video entitled Kryptos Graphein won the second prize in the 9th edition of the Festival Premio de Videoarte Ayto de Astillero РEl Almac̩n de las Artes in Astillero . Spain.

Participant in
CologneOFF VI – 6th Cologne International Videoart Festival
CologneOFF VII – 7th Cologne International Videoart Festival
CologneOFF IX – 9th Cologne International Videoart Festival
CologneOFF X – 10 Cologne International Videoart Festival
Shoah Film Collection
The Wake Up! Memorial – Corona! Shut Down?
ISOLATA ROMA, 2020, 5:31
A work made under Covid Vibes .. dystopian reality..La peau des murs..
Thinking of Italy abandoned by its European neighbors..