Coniglioviola (Italy)

ConiglioViola vs IRAA Theatre

Coniglioviola/ The Violet Rabbit ( / is an hybrid creature born in 2000 between Turin, Asti and Barcellona, from the interbreed between Fabrice Coniglio and Andrea raViola.
VioletRabbit eclettically moves over all areas of digital creation: web + video + graphics + electronic music + performances.
In this sense VioletRabbit considers itself as a creature of Rinascimento that the digital revolution has set free from the unfair obligation of specialization.
At the start of its life VioletRabbit moves its little paws only on the web, or better on the surface of the web, trying to violencerabbit what, at the end of the 90s, yet looked like it was a too plain, papery, infertile ground. As the WhiteRabbit did with Alice once upon a time, VioletRabbit takes the surfer inside web sites wich want to be other spaces and other worlds, haunted, surreal, but alternatives to the “real” world .
The slogan “A web site is a site!” means statement of concreteness, of reality and of substantiality of the online aesthetic experience. In this sense it is to be intended also the most famous experiment by VioletRabbit: Yolanda’s Meditation, which is at the same time artwork and a site (place) to be used.
Outside and inside the net, VioletRabbit moves hybridizing styles and techniques and always looking for an agonistic relationship with the software it collaborates with, in the creation of its artworks.

Coniglioviola participates in

  • JavaMuseum
  • Current Positions of Italian netart
    Extasy – the final show