Righard Kapp (South Africa)

Righard Kapp

Righard Kapp’s exploratory strategies have ranged from understatement (on the collection of abstract guitar pieces, ‘Traces’) to monumentality (on the abrasive foray into feedback drone territory on the collaborative album with Gareth Dawson, ‘PUIN’), but have remained consistently oblique and surprising. Kapp was also founder of the CDR label One Minute Trolley Dash, and led the band Skrummasjien.

Righard Kapp
is participating in
SoundLAB – sonic art project environments
Edition V – soundSTORY

curatorial contribution from South Africa curated by
Julian Jonker ….

featuring soundart works by

Brendon Bussy
Garth Erasmus
Neo Muyanga
James Webb & James SeyJames WebbRighard Kapp
Brydon Bolton
Julian Jonker